41 ridomil gold 480 sl
Ridomil Gold SL - Fungicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold ® SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation. Active Ingredients: horticentre.co.nz › index › safety-datasheetsSafety Datasheets - Horticentre Group If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for, you could either try our Search function above, or alternatively, please contact your local branch or representative so that we can assist with your requirements.
Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Sylvite Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Sylvite Ridomil Gold 480 SL Incorporate Ridomil Gold® 480 SL fungicide into your pink rot management strategy. Apply in-furrow or consider tank-mixing with Bravo® ZN as two foliar applications at flowering for increased activity on late blight, and protection against early blight and Botrytis vine rot.
Ridomil gold 480 sl
PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Syngenta RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL FUNGICIDE SOLUTION AGRICULTURAL For the control or suppression of certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi in Apples (nonbearing), Field and Greenhouse Cucumbers, Ginseng, Hops, Raspberries, - Blueberries, Snap Beans, Strawberries, Tobacco, Spinach, Radish and Potatoes. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Ridomil Gold 480 SL - SYNGENTA fungicide RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL Systemic Fungicide is a member of the phenylamide group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL is a Group 4 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL and other Group 4 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population. › chapters › 46083Pesticides: Environmental Impacts and Management Strategies Feb 20, 2014 · Demanou J, Monkiedje A, Njine T, Foto SM, Nola M, Serges H, Togouet Z, Kemka N. Changes in soil chemical properties and microbial activities in response to the fungicide Ridomil gold plus copper. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2004;1:26-34. 49. Denholm I, Birnie LC, Kennedy PJ, Shaw KE, Perry JN, Powell W.
Ridomil gold 480 sl. PDF Ridomil Gold 480sl 480 g/L . READ THE LABEL AND PAMPHLET BEFORE USING . KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. WARNING . POISON . EYE IRRITANT, SKIN IRRITANT . ... Approved RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL 28474 2020-12-07 Page 2 of 20 NOTICE TO USER. This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. It is Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Fungicide - Syngenta Ridomil Gold 480 SL Last updated: 25.09.2019 Fungicide FUNGICIDE GROUP 4 A soluble concentrate systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated. Ridomil_gold_480_sl_infograph_afr.pdf (1.36 MB) Ridomil_gold_480_sl_infograph_eng.pdf (1.35 MB) Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Afr etiket.pdf (1.34 MB) Quadris Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide - Syngenta US Quadris Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide A co-pack of azoxystrobin and mefenoxam, Quadris Ridomil Gold ® SL fungicide is for broad-spectrum disease control in potatoes. Quadris Ridomil Gold SL can provide control of many soilborne diseases when applied as an in-furrow application at planting. Active Ingredients: Azoxystrobin, Mefenoxam Ridomil Gold 480SL - Fungicide | Syngenta CA Learn more about Ridomil Gold 480SL fungicide, including application information for potatoes, and tank mix information. Label and MSDS also available.
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Syngenta RIDOMIL GOLD ® 480 SL PAGE 3 OF 6 . cartridge may be used under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are expected to exceed exposure limits (e.g. emergency spills). SECTION - 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Appearance: Yellow to orange clear liquid. Formulation Type: RIDOMIL GOLD 480 ® - Agrisolver Fungicida sistémico para el control de las enfermedades que se indican en la ficha técnica anexa a esta página. La actividad sistémica de RIDOMIL GOLD® 480 SL requiere de la presencia de agua en el suelo para que se ponga en contacto con la raíz y sea tomado por las plantas, protegiéndolas del ataque de los patógenos indicados en la ficha anexa. fongicide Ridomil Gold 480 SL pour lutter : Free Download, Borrow, and ... fongicide Ridomil Gold 480 SL pour lutter Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email. PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Bartlett RIDOMIL GOLD ® 480SL FUNGICIDE ... Metalaxyl-M and S-isomer ..... 480 g/L READ THE LABEL AND PAMPHLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN WARNING POISON EYE IRRITANT, SKIN IRRITANT Harmful if swallowed. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Ridomil Gold SL - Fungicide - Syngenta RIDOMIL GOLD SL is a fungicide for the control of Phytophthora Spear Rot in Asparagus. Ridomil Gold SL Label (278.32 KB) Ridomil Gold SL SDS (72.27 KB) Ridomil Gold SL Haznote (25.39 KB) RIDOMIL® GOLD 480 SL - Fungicidas - Syngenta RIDOMIL® GOLD 480 SL es un fungicida sistémico, especialmente formulado para ser aplicado al suelo, destacando su acción sobre enfermedades causadas por hongos patógenos de la Clase Oomycetes, como el género Phytophthora spp. que afecta a diversos cultivos causando pudrición de cuello, raíces, tallos y corona en árboles frutales (de acuerdo a lo indicado en el cuadro de Instrucciones ... Ridomil Gold 480 SL | PDF | Agua | Residuos O Scribd é o maior site social de leitura e publicação do mundo. Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Fungicide - Syngenta Group 4 Fungicide Formulation: Soluble Concentrate | SL Controls Phytophthora Crown and Spear Rot in Asparagus, Heart Rot and Root Rot caused by Phytophthora in Pineapples, Pink Rot in Potatoes and Blue Mould in Tobacco Seedbeds. Ridomil Gold 480 SL Label (231.45 KB) Ridomil Gold 480 SL SDS (234.6 KB)
RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL - adama.com RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL Version 5.0 Revision Date: 08.09.2017 SDS Number: S175342495 This version replaces all previous versions. 1 / 17 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL Design code : A13947A
Gardening Shop | Buy Agricultural Products Online ... Sale price Rs. 269 Regular price Rs. 480. In stock, 4 units ... Syngenta Ridomil Gold ... MONOCIL (Monocrotophos 36% SL) Sale price Rs. 79 Regular price Rs. 80. In ...
Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Syngenta Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide is a powerful fungicide that targets and fights soilborne oomycete diseases. Contains metalaxyl/mefenoxam as its active ingredient which effectively controls plant diseases such as Pythium, brown rot, downy mildew, Phytophthora root rot, Seedling blights, white rust, red stele, and collar rot.
PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Plant Products RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Fungicide is a systemic fungicide for use in a preventative program for the control of: Collar rot in apples (non-bearing), Pythiumdamping-off in field cucumbers, Pythiumsp. in greenhouse cucumbers, Pythiumdamping-off and Phytophthoraroot rot in ginseng, Downy Mildewin hops,
agphd.com › resources › herbicide-storagePesticide Storage, Application and Rainfast Times - Ag PhD This chart is for your reference only. Please check the label for the current and most correct information about each product.
› publication › 329281374_Cocoa(PDF) Cocoa production and processing - ResearchGate Jan 01, 2014 · cao 200 SL, ao-net plus 200 SL, Thiofor-extra 200 SL for 15 l of water]). ... (Ridomil Gold Plus 66 WP with a . dose of 1 sachet per spray of . 15 litres of water) once every . ... 480 000. 2 680 ...
Ridomil Gold 480 EC - Fungicide - Syngenta Emulsifiable Concentrate | EC. Controls Heart Rot and Root Rot caused by Phytophthora in Pineapples and Blue Mould in Tobacco Seedbeds. Ridomil Gold 480 EC Label (198.24 KB) Ridomil Gold 480 EC SDS (85.94 KB)
Fungicides : Ridomil Gold 480SL Ridomil Gold 480SL. Controls Heart Rot and Root Rot caused by Phytophthora in Pineapples, Pink Rot in Potatoes and Blue Mould in Tobacco Seedbeds 1LT . Featured products. Chooketeria TM Chicken Feeders. Knock-out Concussion 540 (Glyphosate) Wheelie Bin 100lt. Mincing Machines and Accessories.
Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Crop Protection, Fungicide - Syngenta Philippines Ridomil Gold 480 SL. Printer-friendly version. Ridomil Gold 480 SL . Crop Protection, Fungicide. Authorisation Number: FPA Reg. Number 011-384-3133. Composition: 480 g/L. Metalaxyl-M. Formulation: Soluble Concentrate. Mode of action: Group 4 Fungicide. Fungicide for the control of heart and root rot in pineapple.
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RIDOMIL GOLD® 480 SL - Fungicida - Syngenta RIDOMIL GOLD® 480 SL es un fungicida sistémico para el control de las enfermedades que aquí se indican. La actividad sistémica de RIDOMIL GOLD® 480 SL requiere de la presencia de agua en el suelo para que se ponga en contacto con la raíz y sea formado por las plantas, protegiéndolas del ataque de los patógenos que más adelante se mencionarán.
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PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Even Spray RIDOMIL GOLD®480SL FUNGICIDE SOLUTION AGRICULTURAL For the control or suppression of certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi in Apples (non-bearing), Field and Greenhouse Cucumbers, Ginseng, Hops, Raspberries, Blueberries, Snap Beans, Strawberries, Tobacco, Spinach, Radish and Potatoes. GUARANTEE:
Ridomil Gold 480SL - Fungicide - Syngenta The page you were looking for could not be found. If you continue to see this page, please contact our Customer Interaction Centre for assistance. 1-877-964-3682 or cic.canada@syngenta.com. Go Back. Go to Syngenta.ca Home.
RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL - Sylvite Please be advised that due to the extreme weather conditions in British Columbia, Vancouver is no longer accessible over the road or by rail. Due to the highway closures we are limiting our operations.
Ridomil Gold 480SL Ridomil Gold 480SL. For the control or suppression of certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi in Apples (non-bearing), Field and Greenhouse Cucumbers, Ginseng, Hops, Raspberries, Blueberries, Snap Beans, Strawberries, Tobacco, Spinach and Potatoes. Greenhouse Cucumber Customers need to sign Waiver.
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Amazon Web Services RIDOMIL GOLD® 480 SL PAGE 1 OF 6 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park ... RIDOMIL GOLD 480 is aSL fungicide for the systemic control of several fungal pathogens in various crops and fruits. The active ingredient, metalaxyl-M, is practically non-toxic to slightly toxic to fish, birds, aquatic ...
› chapters › 46083Pesticides: Environmental Impacts and Management Strategies Feb 20, 2014 · Demanou J, Monkiedje A, Njine T, Foto SM, Nola M, Serges H, Togouet Z, Kemka N. Changes in soil chemical properties and microbial activities in response to the fungicide Ridomil gold plus copper. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2004;1:26-34. 49. Denholm I, Birnie LC, Kennedy PJ, Shaw KE, Perry JN, Powell W.
Ridomil Gold 480 SL - SYNGENTA fungicide RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL Systemic Fungicide is a member of the phenylamide group of fungicides. For fungicide resistance management RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL is a Group 4 fungicide. Some naturally occurring individual fungi resistant to RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL and other Group 4 fungicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any fungal population.
PDF RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL - Syngenta RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL FUNGICIDE SOLUTION AGRICULTURAL For the control or suppression of certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi in Apples (nonbearing), Field and Greenhouse Cucumbers, Ginseng, Hops, Raspberries, - Blueberries, Snap Beans, Strawberries, Tobacco, Spinach, Radish and Potatoes. ACTIVE INGREDIENT:
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