39 manzate pro stick label
Manzate ProStick T&O | Mancozeb | 6 Pounds - Chemical Warehouse Shipping. Label/SDS. Manzate Pro-Stick is a broad spectrum fungicide for most fruits and vegetables.Is rain fast and provides superior disease control in many crops including potatoes and vegetables. Active Ingredients : Mancozeb 75%. Comparable Products : Fore®, Dithane®, Manzate®, Mancozeb®, Penncozeb®, Protect®. Manufacturer : UPI. PDF SPECIAL LOCAL NEED C)LABELING - University of Kentucky DUPONTTMMANZATE® PRO-STICKTM FUNGICIDE FOR CONTROL OF TOBACCO DISEASES IN TOBACCO IN THESTATE OF KENTUCKY For product information call 1-888-6-DUPONT © 2008 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19898 H - 65610Page 1of 2EPA SLN NO. KY-080001 SPECIALLOCALNEED 24(C)LABELING DuPont Crop Protection
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE, 09/27/2012 MANZATE PRO-STICK MASTER LABEL 7/26/12PageS AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170.

Manzate pro stick label
PDF Dispersible Granules Keep Out of Reach of Children Caution For any require- ments specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency respon- sible for pesticide regulation. MANZATE®PRO-STICKTM, a dispersible granule containing mancozeb, is labeled for use as a spray for the control of many important plant diseases. Application Instructions msds목록 | PDF # ww-11, c부분 (개체. #504)(grease and oil wastewatr(그리스 고온 ep-2(grease hi temp ep-2) 그리스 krytox(r) 240 series fluorinated grease)(krytox(r) 240 series fluorinat 68153-81-1 그리스(grease) 9028-32-4 그리옥실산염 레둑타제(glyoxylate reductase (from spinach leaves)) 그린라이트 익스프레스(r) -25(greenlite express(r) -25) 그린라이트-28(greenlite-28 ... Manzate - Pro-stick, has anyone used this for blight? TECHNICAL PROBLEM - I have manzate pro-stick, it is to be mixed at 1.5 t 3.0 lbs/acre for tomatoes. I have 130 square feet. I have a 1/2 gallon sprayer, how much manzate to 1/2 gallon of water and how much should that treat? That's .005 lbs for the 130 square feet. I get .08 oz for the 130 square feet, is this correct?
Manzate pro stick label. PDF Manzate Pro Stick MSDS - Keystone Pest Solutions United Phosphorus Inc. 630 Freedom Business Center Suite 402 King of Prussia, PA 19406 WARNING hazard statements Harmful in contact with skin May cause an allergic skin reaction Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child PAGE 1 / 8 12-371F Manzate Pro-Stick T&O Fungicide Revision date 22-Mar-2016 Precautionary Statements - Prevention PDF DUPONT MANZATE PRO-STICK - Agrian Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. For medical emergencies involving this product, call toll free 1-800-441-3637. See Label for Additional Precautions and Directions for Use. DIRECTIONS FOR USE PDF Material Safety Data Sheet DuPont ™ Manzate ® Pro-Stick ™ Fungicide Version 2.0 Revision Date 02/02/2011 Ref. 130000036272 2 / 10 This product is toxic to: Fish Potential Health Effects This section includes potential acute adverse effects which could occur if this material is not used according to the label. Skin Mancozeb : May cause allergic skin reaction. Eyes Turfgrass Diseases: Dollar Spot (Causal fungus: Clarireedia jacksonii) 03-12-2020 · 26GT, Andersons Fungicide X, Chipco 26019 FLO, Iprodione Pro 2SE, Ipro 2, Ipro 2SE, Lesco 18 Plus: Methyl benzimidazole carbamates (MBC) thiophanate-methyl: MBC, 1, acropetal penetrant: 3336 EG, 3336 DG, Cavalier F, Fungo Flo, Lesco T-Storm, SysTec 1998, TM 4.5, TM 85 WDG, T-Methyl, Transom 4.5F: Quinone outside inhibitors (QoI) fluoxastrobin
PDF Manzate Pro-sticktm MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label. SPRAYS:(Ground or aerial equipment) - Use MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide at the rate shown; ensure good coverage by using 200-1000 L per ha for ground equipment and 50-80 L/ha for aircraft. A spreader-sticker may be used if needed. UPL | Canada 630 Freedom Business Center, Suite 402. King of Prussia, PA 19406. 610-491-2800 PDF For Turf and Ornamental Uses - Golf Ventures vants after MANZATE MAX T&O has been placed into suspension. When preparing spray solutions for use in a hand sprayer, premix as a slur-ry in a small container, and then add to sprayer containing 1/3 to 1/2 the desired final water volume. COMPATIBILITY MANZATE MAX T&O is compatible with most commonly used agricultur- PDF Safety Data Sheet - Bartlett 12-371CAN Manzate Pro-Stick Revision date 06-Jan-2019 Most Important Symptoms and Effects, Both Acute and Delayed Most Important Symptoms and Effects no data available. Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention and Special Treatment Needed Notes to physicianTreat symptomatically. 5. Fire-fighting measures Suitable extinguishing media Use:.
Manzate Pro - Stick Fungicide - DoMyOwn.com Manzate Pro-Stick Fungicide is a specially formulated fungicide that provides superior control of fungal diseases in ornamentals, turfgrass, and sod farms. It contains mancozeb, a highly effective active ingredient that provides extended residual action and multi-site control of key diseases and prevents them from mutating and adapting. Labels for MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE (70506-234) | US EPA Contact Us Labels for MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE (70506-234) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest Version: 2.4.2 PDF Manzate Pro-Stick™ PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS fungicide ... - Agrian AS A SPRAY(Ground or Aerial Equipment) - Apply MANZATE® PRO-STICK™ at the rate shown; use sufficient water to provide thorough coverage: use 20 to 100 gallons per acre for ground equipment and no less than 2 gallons per acre for air- craft. Manzate Pro-stick T&O Fungicide - Pestrong Label/SDS Reviews (1) Protect DF Manzate Pro-stick T&O Mancozeb Fungicide - 6 Lb is a generic dithane 75 df fungicide that provides excellent control of a variety of important plant diseases. With high fungicidal activity, it is safe on turfgrass and certain ornamentals.
Home - Label Database - CDMS Manzate® Max T&O MANCOZEB 70506-194. Manzate® Pro-Stick™ MANCOZEB 70506-234. Manzate® Pro-Stick™ T&O MANCOZEB 70506-234. Mesh™ 2FS FLURAZOLE EXEMPT. Mesh™-40WP FLURAZOLE EXEMPT. Meteor™ Fungicide IPRODIONE 70506-243. Metricor™ 4F METRIBUZIN 70506-68. Metricor™ DF METRIBUZIN ...
Home - Label Database - CDMS Manzate® Pro-Stick™ T&O MANCOZEB 70506-234. Mesh™ 2FS FLURAZOLE EXEMPT. Mesh™-40WP FLURAZOLE EXEMPT. Meteor™ Fungicide IPRODIONE 70506-243. Metricor™ 4F METRIBUZIN 70506-68. Metricor ... Pro-Gro® Dust Seed Protectant CARBOXIN + THIRAM 400-435. Procure® 480SC
Manzate Pro-Stick - United Phosphorus fungicide MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label. SPRAYS: (Ground or aerial equipment) - Use MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide at the rate shown; ensure good coverage by using 200-1000 L per ha for ground equipment and 50-80 L/ha for aircraft. A spreader-sticker may be used if needed.
Manzate ProStick | Mancozeb | 6 Pounds - Chemical Warehouse Manzate ProStick provides fungicide and bacterial control of listed diseases in crops, sodfarms, and for seed treatments. Active Ingredients : Mancozeb 75%. Manufacturer : United Phosphorus. Usage Rate Recommendations : 0.75 - 6.4 Pounds Per Acre. For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided. Algae.
Blue Mold Present in Lancaster County 26-07-2022 · Several products are available to choose from including the active ingredients dimethomorph (Forum) and mancozeb (Dithane, Penncozeb DF and Manzate Pro-stick). Additional products labeled for use in tobacco include Quadris, Actigard and some newer products including Presidio (fluopicolide), Revus and Orondis.
Manzate Pro-Stick T&O - Rainbow Ecoscience Manzate Pro-Stick T&O Manzate Pro-Stick T&O Manzate is a broad spectrum foliar fungicide used to control foliar diseases such as cercospora, phylostica, and phomopsis. When used preventatively this fungicide greatly reduces symptoms associated with fungal foliar diseases. Manzate Pro-stick T&O SDS | Manzate Pro-stick T&O Label $44.05 Current Stock:
Manzate Pro Stick | Upl A multi-site protectant fungicide, Manzate prevents pathogenic organisms from adapting and mutating, meaning even after decades of use, fungal strains have not developed resistance to Manzate. - Multi-site, broad spectrum control - Unique, dependable formulations - Important resistance management tool - FRAC Class M3 Formulation Manzate® Pro-Stick™
PDF Safety Data Sheet - DoMyOwn.com Product identifier Product Description:Manzate Pro-Stick T&O Fungicide Other means of identification Product code12-371F UN/ID no.UN3077 Registration number(s)70506-234 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended useFungicides. Uses advised againstActivities contrary to label recommendation
PDF MANZATE PRO-STICK - Bartlett MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label. SPRAYS: (Ground or aerial equipment) - Use MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide at the rate shown; ensure good coverage by using 200-1000 L per ha for ground equipment and 50-80 L/ha for aircraft. A spreader-sticker may be used if needed.
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE, 9/30/2010 Subject: MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE EPA Reg. No. 70506-234 Your submission of October 15, 2007 OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION SEP 3 0 2010 ... Pesticide Product Label, MANZATE PRO-STICK FUNGICIDE, UNITED PHOSPHORUS, INC, 7050600234 Created Date:
Manzate Pro-Stick T&O | Golf Ventures MANZATE® PRO-STICK Water Dispersible Granule (WGD) Dry Formulation. Manzate provides advanced formulation technology in the fight against key crop diseases. A multi-site protectant fungicide, Manzate prevents pathogenic organisms from adapting and mutating, meanng even after decades of use, fungal strains have not developed reistance to ...
Manzate (Mancozeb) Pro Stick Fungicide - Militello Farm Supply Manzate Pro-Stick (Mancozeb) Active Ingriedients: Manganese - 15.0% Zinc - 1.9% Ethylenebisdithiocarbamate ion - 58.1%. Signal word: Caution. MANZATE® PRO-STICK™, a dispersible granule containing mancozeb, is labeled for use as a spray for the control of many important plant diseases. UPS Ground Shipping only! READ THE LABEL. SDS Sheet
PDF 2016 3910 2016 12 08 - Even Spray MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide should be used only in accordance with recommendations on this label. SPRAYS: (Ground or aerial equipment) - Use MANZATE PRO-STICK Fungicide at the rate shown; ensure good coverage by using 200-1000 L per ha for ground equipment and 50-80 L/ha for aircraft. A spreader-sticker may be used if needed.
Manzate - Pro-stick, has anyone used this for blight? TECHNICAL PROBLEM - I have manzate pro-stick, it is to be mixed at 1.5 t 3.0 lbs/acre for tomatoes. I have 130 square feet. I have a 1/2 gallon sprayer, how much manzate to 1/2 gallon of water and how much should that treat? That's .005 lbs for the 130 square feet. I get .08 oz for the 130 square feet, is this correct?
msds목록 | PDF # ww-11, c부분 (개체. #504)(grease and oil wastewatr(그리스 고온 ep-2(grease hi temp ep-2) 그리스 krytox(r) 240 series fluorinated grease)(krytox(r) 240 series fluorinat 68153-81-1 그리스(grease) 9028-32-4 그리옥실산염 레둑타제(glyoxylate reductase (from spinach leaves)) 그린라이트 익스프레스(r) -25(greenlite express(r) -25) 그린라이트-28(greenlite-28 ...
PDF Dispersible Granules Keep Out of Reach of Children Caution For any require- ments specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency respon- sible for pesticide regulation. MANZATE®PRO-STICKTM, a dispersible granule containing mancozeb, is labeled for use as a spray for the control of many important plant diseases. Application Instructions
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