44 stata list variables and labels
st: RE: Display Variable Labels - Stata This was discussed earlier today in But note that your code is a loop around a varlist with a single ... Variable and Value Labels in STATA - YouTube This video follows a step by step process of creating variable labels, value labels, and creating a new variable with values labels automatically added with ...
Data management: How to label variables - YouTube Variable and Value Labels in STATA David Braudt 68K views 9 years ago Fitting and interpreting regression models: Linear regression with continuous/categorical predictors StataCorp LLC 2.5K...
Stata list variables and labels
12+ ways to name and label variables in Stata - Irina Mirkina 12+ ways to name and label variables in Stata. Contents. When generating a new variable. Using -labgen-, -labgen2-, or -genl-. From the first row of observations. Using loop -foreach-. Using loop -forvalues-. Using -renvars-. From the first AND second rows of observations. ds — Compactly list variables with specified properties - Stata 6ds— Compactly list variables with specified properties Also see [D] cf — Compare two datasets[D] codebook — Describe data contents[D] compare — Compare two variables[D] compress — Compress data in memory[D] describe — Describe data in memory or in file[D] format — Set variables' output format[D] label — Manipulate labels[D] lookfor — Search for string in variable names ... How to copy all variables and labels? - Statalist Note that Stata's describe command has an option to create a dataset with the information it generates: Code: sysuse auto, clear describe, replace export excel name varlab using test.xlsx, firstrow (variables) replace 6 likes Kazi Bacsi Join Date: Jul 2016 Posts: 59 #13 21 Oct 2016, 09:02 Nice and neat solution, far better than mine! 1 like
Stata list variables and labels. Stata Basics: Create, Recode and Label Variables We use variables of the census.dta data come with Stata as examples. -generate-: create variables Here we use the -generate- command to create a new variable representing population younger than 18 years old. We do so by summing up the two existing variables: poplt5 (population < 5 years old) and pop5_17 (population of 5 to 17 years old). How to import variable labels from Excel into Stata 1 Answer Sorted by: 3 Let's assume that your variable names are on the first row, and labels on the second row. I would do: import excel using file.xlsx, firstrow clear foreach var of varlist _all { local x = `var' [1] label var `var' "`x'" } drop if [_n]==1 foreach var of varlist _all { cap destring `var', replace } Extracting variable labels and categorical/ordinal value labels in Stata Extracting variable labels and categorical/ordinal value labels in Stata Stata allows the labeling of variables and also the individual values of categorical or ordinal variable values. For example, in the -sysuse auto- database, "foreign" is labeled as "Car origin", 0 is "Domestic", and 1 is "Foreign". Chapter 3 Variable Lists | Stata 16 - New Features - Errickson Every numeric variable in the current data set is automatically placed into one of these four lists: vlcategorical: Variables which Stata thinks are categorical. These generally have to be non-negative, integer valued variables with less than 10 unique values. vlcontinuous: Variables which Stata thinks are continuous.
Stata Guide: Label Variables and Values As of Stata version 12, value labels are also shown in the "Variables" section of the Properties window. Modifying existing value labels Existing labels can be modified with the help of options. The most important options are: label define mstatus 2 "divorced" 3 "widowed", add add can be used to label values that have no label attached *Documenting data Value labels labels describing specific values of a variable. In Stata you define a label_name (set of value labels) that is used to define a set of labels to ... stata为数据库添加标签,磁力链接 - 搜片搜索 stata为数据库添加标签相关信息,stata 加标签(label)的小技巧 - 哔哩哔哩1. 数据标签 为了让用户更加清楚地了解数据的来源、变量的含义、观测值的解释等相关内容,Stata 可以为数据、变量、观测值添加标签。最常用的标签方法有三类:一... Variable Labels - Guides Systematizing labels. Variable labels provide information about variable names which are often defined for programmatic reasons. All variables should have labels, and all multiple choice variables have value labels. The labeling system should be internally consistent. It should be easy to connect the variable in the dataset with the question on ...
PDF list — List values of variables - Stata nolabel display numeric codes rather than label values Summary mean (varlist 2) add line reporting the mean for the (specified) variables ... 6list— List values of variables Remarks and examples stata.com list, typed by itself, lists all the observations and variables in the dataset. If you specify varlist, label - Stata Jan 22, 2020 ... label variable attaches a label (up to 80 characters) to a ... label list lists the names and contents of value labels stored in memory. st: RE: simple variable list with labels - Stata st: simple variable list with labels From: Peter Schofield Prev by Date: st: simple variable list with labels Next by Date: st: RE: simple variable list with labels Previous by thread: st: simple variable list with labels Next by thread: st: RE: simple variable list with labels Index (es): Date Thread Labeling data | Stata Learning Modules - OARC Stats - UCLA Labeling data | Stata Learning Modules This module will show how to create labels for your data. Stata allows you to label your data file ( data label ), to label the variables within your data file ( variable labels ), and to label the values for your variables ( value labels ). Let's use a file called autolab that does not have any labels.
Listing values and labels - Statalist To get a listing of values and attached labels (without using community-contributed commands): Code: label list lblname where lblname is the name of the value label attached to country; you get that name from, e.g., describe. Another possibility is Code: codebook country , tabulate (99)
Stata display values of a variable - oga.wolfculture.shop A simple way to see which variables satisfy some property is just to loop over variables, examining each variable in turn. Spelling this out in a kind of pseudocode, 1. initialize list of desired variables to empty 2. for each variable that exists { 2a. check whether it has the desired property 2b. if it has { add name of variable to the list.
Variable Names, Labels, and Values Once we got the value label name, we can list the labels for each value of the variable. label list labelname returns a list. ... In fact, in the auto data, ...
In Stata, how do I add a value label to a numeric variable? - IU Adding a value label to a variable in Stata is a two-step process. The first step is to use the .label define command to create a mapping between numeric values and the words or phrases used to describe those values. The second step is to associate a specific mapping with a particular variable using the .label values command. With this two-step process, you can associate one particular mapping ...
stata - Listing variable name, label, and all value labels in one line There are easier ways to show value labels, but all show them on different lines. label stata stata-macros Share Follow edited Mar 26, 2019 at 16:31 user8682794 asked Mar 26, 2019 at 10:55 Stalfos 1 2 See help limits for the limits on number and length and value labels, which could singly or jointly overwhelm a single line.
Factor variables and value labels | Stata Stata also has value labels. You might type . label define regions 1 "North East" 2 "North Central" 3 "South" 4 "West" . label values region regions In Stata 13, when you fit a model using factor-variable notation, the labels appear in the output: . regress y i.attitude i.agegrp i.region
How to copy all variables and labels? - Statalist Note that Stata's describe command has an option to create a dataset with the information it generates: Code: sysuse auto, clear describe, replace export excel name varlab using test.xlsx, firstrow (variables) replace 6 likes Kazi Bacsi Join Date: Jul 2016 Posts: 59 #13 21 Oct 2016, 09:02 Nice and neat solution, far better than mine! 1 like
ds — Compactly list variables with specified properties - Stata 6ds— Compactly list variables with specified properties Also see [D] cf — Compare two datasets[D] codebook — Describe data contents[D] compare — Compare two variables[D] compress — Compress data in memory[D] describe — Describe data in memory or in file[D] format — Set variables' output format[D] label — Manipulate labels[D] lookfor — Search for string in variable names ...
12+ ways to name and label variables in Stata - Irina Mirkina 12+ ways to name and label variables in Stata. Contents. When generating a new variable. Using -labgen-, -labgen2-, or -genl-. From the first row of observations. Using loop -foreach-. Using loop -forvalues-. Using -renvars-. From the first AND second rows of observations.
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